7 Secret Triggers of Creating a Mind Control Ad Copy

submitted by Madamxtra on 10/02/19 1

makingsalesfunnels.com/funnel-scripts - 7 Secret Triggers of Creating a Mind Control Ad Copy - This video is a interview with legendary Copywriter Dan Kennedy * register here for the Funnel Scripts Webinar: makingsalesfunnels.com/funnel-scripts You’ll discover how this revolutionary Ad Copy tool can help you write all your ad copy for Sales Letters, webinar slides, video ads, Video Sales Letters, Facebook ads and Email ad copy scripts and more… makingsalesfunnels.com/funnel-scripts 7 Secret Triggers of Creating a Mind Control Ad Copy Seven “Dark” Copy Techniques 1: SHAME Ambition to escape the unwanted is available in a larger number of people (than positive motivation) and easier to stimulate than is ambition for gain or benefit The Shame List • Left out, left behind • Un-Cool • Stupid • Un-cool • Stupid • Attached to a loser/losing argument • Embarrassed • Foolish • Incompetent • Weak, Impotent • Looked down upon • Unwanted • Pitied • Gossiped about 2: EMOTIONAL PAIN Powerful sales copy inflicts emotional pain. Find it and twist the knife. Methods: 1: “All too familiar” situations 2: Personal confessions the reader identifies with 3: Reminders of suppressed negative feelings of self 4: Negative imagination triggered of others’ poor Perceptions of or disappointments with them. 3: ANGER, RAGE, RESENTMENT • Everyone is angry about something and resents somebody. • Bring it from a simmer to a boil. 4: MYSTICISM People believe in SECRETS, in conspiracies, in information kept from them, and in ‘mystics’ with mysterious, superior or unique powers….and often look to this as the answer to why they aren’t living life as they’d hoped. They can, therefore, be made to look to this for solution, cures and opportunities. 5: REVENGE, VINDICATION, REDEMPTION By somebody, your buyer feels…..and wants to say,” Well, how do you like me NOW?!” The Dissed List • Under-Estimated • “Such things are not for you” • Dis-respected • Doubted, skeptical about • Not taken seriously, ridiculed • Looked down on • Put d • own • ‘Second class citizen” • Excluded 6: FEAR / INSECURITY • Fear of… • Future • Change • Harm • Ill Health • Loss • Enemy • Regret 7: GREED / SLOTH • Free • East • WITHOUT* doing anything you don’t like or don’t want to do • the Keyword: is Without _______________________________________ Discover The Truth of What it Takes to Become a TOP PRODUCER This Exclusive Report isn't just another "free report", this is literally the essence of "The Secret Formula" that's allowed me to out-recruit anyone else you probably know... makingsalesfunnels.com/funnel-scripts

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