Google Analytics Training: Google Analytics Tutorial for Beginners (2019)

submitted by Madamxtra on 10/02/19 1

Google Analytics is a great free tool to get you start understanding about: - What Audience is visiting your website? - Where are they coming from? - What pages are they visiting? This is a Google Analytics tutorial for beginners using Google analytics demo account where I walk you thru how to use Google analytics and what information can be retrieved from where. This is for beginners and not for advanced users. If you are running an e-commerce store, Shopify store, woocommerce store etc, this would give a good understanding that you would need to tighten up your understanding of your customers. In the tutorial, I show you where you find information about: - Users: New & Repeat - Sessions - Bounce rate - Social channels driving traffic - User's Age & Gender - Language they speak - Real-time data - Behavior Flow (glimpse) - Setting up, date range to compare results per quarter - Setting up Dashboards - Dashboard templates, etc. Other Tutorials; How to Track Button Clicks with Google Tag Manager? How to Install Google TAG Manager for Wordpress Site?

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