What is the difference between dimensions and metrics. How does Google Analytics define pageviews, sessions, users, bounces & bounce rate, session duration & pages/session, and distribution of new and returning users. ► 00:23 Checking out the Google Analytics Demo Account ► 01:39 PRO TIP! Which site am I working with? ► 03:43 Explanation of dimensions and metrics ► 05:40 Numbers as dimensions ► 10:03 Pageviews and sessions ► 12:40 Users ► 13:30 Pages/session and session duration (time on site) ► 14:38 Bounces and bounce rate ► 15:57 New sessions, new users, returning users ► 17:14 Distribution of new and returning USERS (not sessions!) How to access the Google Merchandise Store Google Analytics Demo Account: support.google.com/analytics/answer/6367342 The "Dimensions & Metrics" help article: support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033861?hl=en The "Dimensions and Metrics Explorer" where you can find out if the data field is a metric or dimension: developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets Import the custom report showing the distribution of New vs Returning Users instead of the Session distribution: analytics.google.com/analytics/web/template?uid=rZwyJMW4QP243BshE2Dnjw -- This is part of a series on the Basics of Google Analytics, see other episodes in the playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9qU3b0FSd2GnPS2iCDmJoe_EBJJmDKz