Potty Training Kids - Potty Monkey Learns to Potty

submitted by Madamxtra on 08/22/19 1

🚨Order your Potty Monkey today! www.pottymonkey.com/product/shop-potty-monkey/ For boys and girls—Potty Monkey is a fun way to potty train your child with a cute and cuddly plush toy animal that reminds your child to go potty every 30 or 90 minutes. The entertaining monkey also educates every time he is placed on his flushing-sound toilet. He says phrases like “I like to go potty, don’t you?” and “Let’s just sit here and relax” and “Great job! I’m going potty. Are you?” Potty Monkey comes with an 80-page book for parents about toilet training, tips, and techniques. His "Monkey Learns to Potty!" board book is entertaining and colorful—remember “monkey-see-monkey-do.” Your child will learn to use the toilet, and then remove Potty Monkey’s diaper and put on his big monkey underwear. A rewards chart with stickers and printable "Certificate of Completion" round out the package for a successful toilet training experience for your child. This companion video has been a great tool for engaging children in the potty training process with Potty Monkey! The system was developed by a pediatric urologist to help toilet train your child and KEEP your child on a path of healthy potty habits in the future. 🚨 NOW AVAILABLE - POTTY MONKEY WATCH🚨 www.pottymonkey.com/product/potty-training-watch-monkey-buy-now/ Set alarms to help your child remember when it's time to go. 🚨Find more potty training and bedwetting information and helps at www.pottymonkey.com/shop-potty-training-and-bedwetting-products/ Want to follow Potty Monkey and get top potty training tips for parents? Pinterest- www.pinterest.com/pottymd/ Instagram- www.instagram.com/pottymd/ Facebook- www.facebook.com/Potty-Monkey-1696391500584759/

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