Sora Catches up on Homework?! -- "Kingdom Hearts" Parody Animation Find Me On: ►GOOGLE+ -- ►DEVIANTART -- ►TUMBLR -- ►SUBSCRIBE 4 MORE! -- ►WANT MORE PARODIES? HERE YA GO! -- ------------------------------------------------------------- CAST Sora - Yukiohideyoshi Xion - HinamoriMomo1313 Roxas - BlooCerix Riku - DachampTV Lea/Axel - AfterHourComedy --------------------------------------------------------------- The second installment of the Kingdom Hearts minisode series. Im slowing working in the plot points to this miniseries so dont think this one is pointless JUST yet. XD Prepare for Part 3! I was planning on changing up my style to be an all bitmap animation instead of vectors via Flash, but that ended up being a pain, so I ended up taking a LOONG time trying to discover a new style from the new style that i was going to do. I eventually came upon this style. If you watch the first minisode, then this one, HOPEFULLY you'll see the difference. XD - and thats why this one took so long to make. Its more of a "beta test" type of video. If you're ever anxious to see the progress of the videos you're apart of or just like my animations that much (XD), you can always go to my facebook and deviantart pages for W.I.P screenshots and info. I'll always post up pictures and statuses on animations im working on so you'll know im not slacking XD. Enjoy!