Fadia Al Haj - Muwashah "Ayuha as-Saqi" - موشح أيها الساقي

submitted by Chosic on 08/06/19 1

موشح "أيها الساقي" لابن زهر، بصوت المطربة اللبنانية فادية طنب الحاج. أيها الساقي إليكَ المشتكَى قد دعوناك وان لم تسمعِ ونديمٍ همتُ في غُـرّتِهِ وبشرب ِ الراح ِ من راحتِه كلما استيقظ من سُكرَتِهِ جذبَ الزقَّ اليهِ واتـّكا وسقاني أربَعـًا في أربَع ِ غصنُ بان ٍمالَ من حيثُ النوى ماتَ من يهواه من فرط ِالجوى خَفِقُ الأحشاء ِ مرهونُ القوى كلما فكـر في البين ِ بكى ويحه يبكي لما لم يقـع ِ مال لعيني عَشِـيَتْ بالنظر ِ أنكرَتْ بعدكَ ضوءَ القمر ِ فإذا ما شئتَ فاسمَعْ خبري دَمِيَتْْ عينايَ من طول ِ البكى وبكى بعضي على بعضي معي غـصـنُ بانٍ مال من حيثُ استوى بات مَنْ يهواه من فـرطِ الـجَوَى خفقُ الأحشاء موهونُ القُوى كلـما فكـّر في البـيـن ِ بكى ويحه يبكي لـِمَا لم يـَقـَعِ ليس لي صبـرٌ ولا لي جَلَـدُ يالـقومي عذلوا واجتهدوا أنكروا شكوايَ ممّا أجـِدُ مثلُ حالي حقـُّها أنْ تشـتـكـي كـمدَ اليأس ِ وذُلَّ الطَـمَعِ كبـدِي حرّى ودمعي يكـِفُ تعرفُ الذنبَ ولا تعتـرِفُ أيـها المعرِضُ عما أصِـفُ قد نما حُبـِّي بقلبي وزكا لا تـخـلْ في الحبِّ إنـّي مدَّعِـي This is an Andalusian Muwashah written by Ibn Zuhr. Here it is performed by Lebanese singer Fadia Tunb Al-Haj. Oh bearer of the cup, Our laments are for your ears, We called you, but you hear us not. Many a drinking companion have I loved for his friendly face. And from his hands I drank wine! When he awoke from his drunkenness, he drew the wines kin to him and sat up! Four time he served the wine to me, from four goblets. Oh bearer of the cup, Our laments are for your ears, We called you, but you hear us not. The branch of a willow bent down; One who loved the twig, died of his passion. Trembling in his heart; weakened in his strength. When he thought of separation, he wept. Mourn for him who wept for, Something which happened not. Oh bearer of the cup, Our laments are for your ears, We called you, but you hear us not. Why did my eye go blind at a glance? By your side, it denies the light of the moon. If you so desire, listen to my tale: My eyes went blind, because they wept too long. A part of me wept with me, About another. Oh bearer of the cup, Our laments are for your ears, We called you, but you hear us not. I possess neither patience nor endurance! Why do they accuse me so much? They reject the complaint under which I suffer. My condition is lamentable: the weakness of despair and humiliation of passion! Oh bearer of the cup, Our laments are for your ears, We called you, but you hear us not. A burning heart and flowing tears, Confess to an error but are not accepted. Oh wash away what I describe to you. My love for you has grown and grown. Do not say: I want your love!

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