Go to www.audible.com/bsf or text BSF to 500-500 to get a free book and 30-day free trial While Disney's Animal Kingdom was being designed, a land (a big theme of the park) was created and devoted to showcasing the creatures and animals of myth and legend. Join me as we take a look at the never built concepts proposed for this amazing land in Walt Disney World. The BSF Podcast - www.youtube.com/thebsfpodcast Twitter - twitter.com/BrightSunFilms Instagram - www.instagram.com/brightsunfilms/ Snapchat - www.snapchat.com/add/BrightSunFilms Patreon - www.patreon.com/BrightSunFilms?ty=h Personal Twitter - twitter.com/datjakewilliams Personal Instagram - goo.gl/5BRDBp ------------------------ Music by Brock Berrigan - brock-berrigan.lnk.to/BrockDiscog BrightSunFilms 2018