- What are some examples of pardon letters for immigration? Discover effective samples of strong hardship waivers on our website! As a type of official letters waiver letter is written to a particular institution. Is a part of an application to restore your rights, so it comes along with supporting documents that the institution deems relevant. That is why writing such documents can be a very hard task. Here are some of the most common questions about pardon letter you may be interested in: What is the best way to write a hardship letter for immigration? What is the proper pardon letter structure? How should I format such type of document? We have prepared answers to these questions to share through this video! But is not the limit of support we can provide you with! By visiting our website you will get access to writing instructions and recommendations according to different pardon letter types, common mistakes to avoid while writing your letter, samples of well-written pardon letters and writing assistance if needed!