Let Color Grading Transform The Look Of Your Films. www.colorgradingcentral.com/how-to-color-grade-like-a-hollywood-colorist I’ve always been obsessed about the quality of the image. When I was a kid I wanted to figure out a way take 35mm stills fast enough that I could make a movie LOL Obviously I knew couldn’t capture frames fast enough like that unless I had a motion picture film camera but I still dreamed. Years later I discovered that with a 35mm film adapter I could attach still lenses to my 1/3” CCD camera and get that coveted cinema look with shallow depth of field. But then I noticed one day that a wedding filmmaker was getting a far superior image and he wasn’t even using all the fancy gear and setup that I was using. I soon realized that the difference between my okay work and his was COLOR. The final step to getting that cinematic look and setting films apart was color grading. After discovering this I began to apply look presets to my films and suddenly they began to look like a movie. This lead me to be able to create a signature look that was desired and I was able to get my first job out of college with my body of work. You may find yourself in a similar situation or you may just want to improve the look of your projects. If that’s you I invite you to attend our FREE one hour online workshop: www.colorgradingcentral.com/how-to-color-grade-like-a-hollywood-colorist Other things mentioned in the video: Free LUTs: www.colorgradingcentral.com/free-luts Cinema Grade for (Mac): www.cinemagrade.com Adobe Premiere Pro DaVinci Resolve Final Cut Pro X For more videos like this click below to SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=colorgradingcentral Denver Riddle CGC Founder & Colorist www.colorgradingcentral.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Color-Grading-Central-114205342007959/ twitter: twitter.com/colorgrading FB group (50K+ members): www.facebook.com/groups/colorgradingcentral/ #colorgrading