I'm going a series where we go one by one explaining the various parts on a hoverboard, how they interact together, how they are installed, common problems, etc. This particular video is about batteries but will have future videos on gyroscopes, motherboards, and more. If you're looking to pickup a battery you can grab one from HoverboardScooterParts.Com who gave me a battery to use to make this video. Hoverboard Gyroscope 2 Pack eBay $29 ebay.to/2VC1XVl Charging Port eBay $7.99 ebay.to/2FfWTjQ Power Button eBay $7.99 ebay.to/2CaVhVe Replacement Battery eBay $59.99 ebay.to/2sixE8A Replacement Charger ebay.to/2QtEn9r New Hoverboard eBay $129 ebay.to/2AC2lul