With the view of becoming the best massage therapy in Surrey, Seva Wellness Clinic has everything you need under one location. Seva Wellness Clinic which is one of the reputed multidisciplinary clinics in Surrey which has a short history date back to two happy years. We are here to cure your disorders, health issues, providing our fullest care with proper medication. Since we are a multidisciplinary clinic, we have massage therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, kinesiology, sports therapy acupuncture and active rehab in our clinic. Registered Massage Therapists at Seva Wellness are veterans in the field of massage therapy and they will attend to your illnesses most cordially. Assuring our reliability further, Registered Physiotherapists at Seva Wellness massage clinic deliver you with the excellence of service with the practice of numerous modern scientific methods to build up your physical deterioration. Being the well-trained chiropractors in Surrey, we have the talent of giving the quick diagnosis and energize the proper exercise in muscles and joints relieving your body to heal causing less pain and spending less time. Kinesiologists in Seva Wellness Surrey are the specialists in the area. They will use the best techniques to heal and recover your injuries within a short period. As we offer multiple services under one location, it would be more convenient for you to have our clinic as your family wellness clinic. Although you get to experience the top class health assistance, you do not have to pay a lot. Our prices are always friendly to your pocket. Our talented sports therapists will nurse your sports injuries at Seva Wellness Surrey and guide you to resume your sports life within a short period. Not only that, acupuncturists in Seva Wellness multidisciplinary clinic Surrey uses traditional acupuncture principles blended with modern technology which will deliver you outstanding results. Likewise, Seva Wellness clinic Surrey dedicate to provide you with many health aids under the skill and knowledge of experts in one single place. That is why Seva Wellness Clinic has been able to be renowned as the best massage therapy in Surrey. Connect with the best multidisciplinary health and wellness care in Surrey, BC. Website - www.sevawellnessclinic.com/ Facebook - www.facebook.com/Seva-Wellness-Clinic-2061200310824037/ Twitter - twitter.com/clinic_seva Instagram - www.instagram.com/sevawellnessclinic/ Pinterest - www.pinterest.ca/sevawellnessclinic/ Google Plus - plus.google.com/u/0/105434776785204119933 Linkedin - www.linkedin.com/company/seva-wellness-clinic/ Yelp - www.yelp.ca/biz/seva-wellness-clinic-surrey Medium - medium.com/@sevawellness1 Foursquare - foursquare.com/v/seva-wellnes-clinic/5c56dfc81f8ed6002ce6f546 Blogger - massage-therapy-surrey.blogspot.com/