The Journey to Majority Rule 2 of 3

submitted by BakiTV on 04/10/19 1

Published on Jan 10, 2013 PM Christie declares Majority Rule Day as a milestone of equality. The Journey To Majority Rule Nassau, The Bahamas -- On January 9, Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie in his communication to the House of Assembly announced that Majority Rule Day belongs to all Bahamians, black and white, rich and poor, young and old, city dweller and Family Islander, PLP, FNM, DNA and independent alike. "It belongs to all of us," said PM Christie. "January 10th should be commemorated and celebrated by all of us because it represents one of the most singular moments in our evolution as a people. Indeed, Mr. Speaker, with the exception of Emancipation from Slavery in 1834 and the attainment of Independence in 1973, there is no event of greater consequence and historical importance than the attainment of Majority Rule on January 10th, 1967." The Prime Minister pointed out the meaning of attaining Majority Rule to Bahamians who participated in making it become a reality in 1967. He said Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes has long been on record with the view that the historical significance has more social impact on Bahamian culture than either Emancipation or attaining Independence. "There is much to commend that point of view because in truth January 10th, 1967 represents the moment of transition from the old Bahamas to a New Bahamas; from minority government to Majority Rule; from an oligarchy to an authentic democracy founded on the principles of true universal adult suffrage; principles which only achieved expression in The Bahamas on January 10th, 1967 - forty-five (45) years ago tomorrow," said PM Christie. "January 10th represents one of the highest peaks in the historic - and still ongoing - struggle of the Bahamian people for economic empowerment, for equality of opportunity, and for social justice. It was an enormously important milestone in a continuing journey that was begun centuries ago when some anonymous slave struck the first blow for freedom in our land."

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