The holy angel Carmen Quevedo recounts several beautiful testimonies that our Parents have done in her life. Her colleagues at work are marveled that everything always goes well for Carmen, she is always healthy and lives each day in so much joy, she reminds them that her happiness and peace comes from our Parents MelquisedecLisbet. (March 2019) ---------- About the message of Christ Lisbet: “God only speaks to his people here. Do not hesitate anymore, try it and you will see that God the Father is not with all the different religions of the world, He is only with me and my holy angels, that I can assure you. God the Father’s name is Melquisedec and God the Mother’s name is Lisbet, there is no other true God outside of Us”: MelquisedecLisbet. Official Website: Blog Christ is a Woman: Christ Kids: Author: Christ Lisbet