www.lifemasters.co.za - Revolutionary workplace Developer, Tony Dovale, CEO of Life Masters business and self Leadership presentation on Positive Growth Mindset Specialists Inspiring Talks.. www.tonydovalespeaks.com... Mindset Matters Most SA is a great country with a great problem…. Mindsets. We need better mindsets. We need growth and Success oriented mindset that build win-win collaboration, connection, commitment and positive action Almost a million jobs are empty in South Africa. People are dying in hospitals where these jobs are empty because the Government mindset says … “Don’t collaborate, don’t work together, don’t build together, don’t save lives…only employ BEE. But there are none or very limited, suitably qualified people to actually do the jobs required. So it’s a mindset problem, because there are skills available that could be utilized to serve, save train, mentor, fast-track and coach others... but? Almost half of SA’s youth are unemployed. When you explore the avenues of education and training available to them, it’s not that we lack educational material. You can even get free education online from world-class resources. But we lack the mindset that says – create to digital infrastructure to facilitate the free learning and we lack the mindsets that say, I’m ready, willing and able to learn. The mindset of the youth and their question is… why should I take the time, cost and effort to learn and study, when I can become a thug, thief, or government official (Greeder) and just take whatever I want? We have no effective role models for the youth that shows integrity, truth, trustworthiness, character, fairness, transparency, commitment, Intelligence, collaboration, hard and smart work. Our role models all seem to be greeders. SA’ global competitive index has plummeted over the last 6 years. Our Entrepreneurial Aptitude has been foolishly squashed. Plus we have fallen on the Global Entrepreneur Monitor Report to even worse levels. Mindset matters more than skillset, because mindset is the foundation and activator of any skillset. This all starts at the top of LEADERSHIP. When you go to any public service point, the levels of service, attitudes of staff, and competence or incompetence to serve effectively, are atrocious. A mindset issue and a skillset issue prevail. We will never become truly world-class with the mindset that we have predominantly prevailing across our country right now. With the Dunning-Kruger effect so widespread across all aspects of our countrys’ structures, it’s no wonder the mindset’s of the followers are so polluted and distorted and create the entitlement attitude. I see, with our LeaderShift leadership and team development and High Performance Organisation research , that many times BEE people are setup to fail. The organisational structure is unmanageable to have an incompetent person, in a leadership role, with no skillset or mindset for the position. I often see theses “unleaders “ (bleeders) trying to “lead”, a variety of highly skilled and others insufficiently skilled troops, with disastrous impacts.. I hear from my young black people I’m mentoring, how, in the prevailing mindset of the government, “whites are the enemy (all imperialists)”. Again, mindset is the issue on both sides. I see and hear the destructive and disparaging mindsets when I talk to a few staff of high ranking government officials, high on the ladder of force! (I don’t use powerful because they are truly not powerful leaders.) The mindset is WAR…We Are Right, Win at ANY cost. This mindset isn’t bringing life, it’s taking the life right out, of our once highly respected nation. In the days of Mandela, our brand stood tall, in every dimension. Today we have fallen, to the cleptocracy with more than 3 rapes per minute, extreme crime, corruption and murder. Our once shiny brand is now relegated to the darker levels of thuggery. In any High performance organisation, like our country, which is on the USA stock exchange, there are specific Leadership criteria that need to be addressed to create a high performance system: • Are our leaders Trustworthy? • Do they have true integrity? • Are they great role models; Ethical Fairness, Uniting, Intelligent, Competent, Diligent? • Are they good at smart decision making? • Do they resolve issues and take action fast? • Are they focusing and driving for results and delivery in every aspect of their territory? • Are they applying strong and effective real leadership as opposed to greedership? • Are they confident and competent? • Are they decisive with regards to non-performers and wayward performers: Corruption and incompetence? • Are they good at building momentum, effectiveness and efficiency?