Tony Dovale Business #FutureFit Leadership Speakers South Africa johannesburg Gauteng for more speaker details. Tony Dovale, founder and CEO of expert team building facilitators, is the Business Soul Surgeon, and the “Bullet Proof”GO Mindset Guy, that enables REAL Business Success with his #FutureFit Mindsets approach; FIERCE Focus and SWIFT Action, in a Consciously Constructive, Revolutionary High-Performance Workplace, that supports People, Planet AND Profits. Tony helps companies to achieve exponential impacts & results in a human positive manner. His personal transformation (LifeShift) and #FutureFit Revolutionary Workplace High Performance systems, CLEARx, activate and aligns the best and fullest potential in People, Teams, Leadership, and Culture. This proven framework and approach helps achieves exponential impacts in the new #FutureFit Consciously Constructive Organisations where resilience, relationships, courage, responsiveness and agility prevail to create exponential impacts and results. Tony’s Mind-Grow-Tainment, and Team-Flow-Grow approaches are strengths based, appreciative, experiential, and action-learning, focused to achieve deepest impacts on human consciousness. He fuses real-life experiences, Neuro-science, and powerful stories together, to take you and your people, teams & conscious leadership to the next-level of potential and possibility in life and business. He has presented and inspired audiences across the globe: London UK, Salt Lake City USA, Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa- Africa, Toronto Canada, Namibia and Manchester UK. Tony is an expert in Resilience, Courageous Growth Mindsets, Psychological Capital development, and High Performance systems. He is a globally certified facilitator of the Science of Happiness@work(tm), and a specialist in applying leading-edge technologies, tools, and frameworks, like Consciously Constructive, Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx, Appreciative Inquiry, Emotionetics and Neuroscience, to energise, optimise and achieve exponential impacts and results. Tony’s the author of SoulShift, SWIFT SUCCESS, #FutureFit & Riding the Razor. He’s also developed: • LifeShift Formula WON Success Ensurance System o Personal Mindset Mastery system 13 CD Set • The Revolutionary Workplace High Performance CLEARx System o Consciously Constructive Framework, Philosophy and Systems. Destiny Statement: Tony is on the planet to bring more Integrity, freedom, love, laughter, abundance, meaning, peace and joy, to those who are ready, through talks, workshops, team building, coaching, and training in a manner that supports PEOPLE, PLANET & PROFITS… for those who are ready. Testimonial: What an amazing breath of FREASH air! - Better than most speakers and facilitators I've seen, ever! It's really very hard to impress me, but Tony held my attention from the first moment, for the full talk! As a professional conference organiser, and being in the PCO industry for over 26 years, I've seen them all. Tony is Outstanding! Marinda. Saaci PCO