What REALLY Happened before, during, and after the 2016 election. A citizen journalism public service documentary film showing the terrible corruption that happens when big money lobbyists hijack a political party. From the filmmaker: I am not at this point in one party or the other. I am anti corruption, anti media manipulation and anti plundering of humanity and our world. These exist on both sides, however the DNC’s greedy corruption truly positioned our country and humanity onto a path of destruction. Starring many who spoke truth in the midst of obfuscations: Cenk Uygur “The Young Turks” Mike Figueredo “The Humanist Report” Debbie Lusignan “Sane Progressive” Bill Moyers “Moyers and Company” Amy Goodman "Democracy Now" Thom Hartmann “The Thom Hartmann Show” Jeff Waldorf "The Young Turks" Nik Zecevic “The Lip TV” Mika Brzezinski "Morning Joe" Joe Scarborough "Morning Joe" Julian Assange "Wikileaks" Ben Swann “Reality Check” Lee Camp “Redacted Tonight” Juan Gonzalez “Democracy Now” Tim Black “The Tim Black Show” H.A. Goodman Joseph diGenova Former U.S. Attorney Glenn Greenwald "The Intercept" Farron Cousins “Ring of Fire” Jimmy Dore “The Jimmy Dore Show” Steven Spoonamore Computer Security Expert Ed Schultz “Ring of Fire” Sam Seder “The Majority Report” Jordan Chariton “The Young Turks” David Pakman “The David Pakman Show” Mark Leibovich “This Town” Ana Kasparian “The Young Turks” John Iadarola “The Young Turks” Alex Bolton "The Hill" Benjamin Dixon "The Benjamin Dixon Show" Jake Tapper "The Lead" Eric Garland "The Hill"