Can I pay my fees while I am a student in Australia is the most common concern any international student would have. International students can work only part time jobs i.e. 20 hours a week and in those 20 hours a week it is VERY difficult to save enough money to pay fees as students also have to consider cost of living and other expenses while they are student in Australia. A lot of employers take advantage of students by making them work cash in hand jobs which is not legal but to make some extra money or unavailability of jobs forces these international student do these jobs. Important issue that is raised in this video is what is the right thing to do. Whether to work so hard that you are able to pay your fees or to enjoy and network enough so that you can have a better life and job after your education. These questions are very difficult to answer for International Student but it entirely depends on student. MUSIC : Silver CAMERAS : Canon 70D (main camera) Go Pro Black Hero 5 Tripod LENS : Canon 50mm (main lens) Canon 18-55mm Sigma 24-70 mm LIGHTING : Studio Box Lights Instagram Facebook Twitter To join our community add yourself in FACEBOOK GROUP: MELBOURNE VIBE - STUDY IN AUSTRALIA THANK YOU FOR WATCHING