First Impressions of the USA | Expats View | Moving From South Africa To America | Family Vlog Moving from South Africa to America was not a major culture shock. My first impressions were mostly positive. In this video I talk about my first impressions of people in the USA, the physical differences, the languages and accents in the south, cost of living in the USA. African-American culture. Meeting people in the USA. how is family in the usa? what is family life like in the usa? What does the average life in america is. We are an immigrant family that moved to the USA from Cape Town, South Africa. My first impressions of the USA, the people, culture, cost of living, etc. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "USA Education System | The Good The Bad & They Ugly | Review | Impressions From A Immigrant Expat " -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- South African Youtuber, Family Style Vlogs, Vlog, Vlogs, Mama Dee, Family Expat, Expatriates, Expats, expat living, expat in america, expatriates, the expatriates I do lifestyle family vlogs, family, I'm blogger on youtube. i vlog daily. I do lifestyle family vlogs, family, I'm blogger on youtube. i vlog daily. #MamaDeeFamilyVlogs #SouthAfricanYoutubers #SouthAfricansInTheUSA #Expats #SouthAfrica #CapeTown #SouthAfricansInTheUSA #MamaDee #MamaDeeFamilyVlogs