Act Now! Making Culture a Force for Change

submitted by Marvin's Underground Evening Lectures on 10/12/18 1

Moderator Ralph Simon, Chairman and CEO, Mobilium Global Group; Senior Advisor, Laurel Strategies Speakers Haifaa al-Mansour, Filmmaker Laura Dawn, Founder and President, Art Not War; Board Member, The Climate Mobilization Moby, Musician; Activist Gina Otto, Author, "Cassandra's Angel"; Founder and CEO Change My World Now Tina Wells, CEO and Founder, Buzz Marketing Group; Henry Crown Fellow, The Aspen Institute During this session, a panel of artists, musicians and activists dedicated to change will discuss how culture is used to advance causes, influence politics and take on missions for the greater good. Topics will include: What does it take to create real, lasting change? What does the future hold for mission-driven strategies such as social media, filmmaking and on-the-ground campaigns? What are the best methods for executing them successfully

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