Nixon Legacy Forum: No Final Victories: Lessons from President Nixon’s Drug Abuse Initiatives

submitted by Marvin's Underground Evening Lectures on 10/11/18 1

Nixon Legacy Forum: No Final Victories: Lessons from President Nixon’s Drug Abuse Initiatives In response to the growing drug abuse problem in the late 1960s and early 1970s, President Richard Nixon’s created America’s first Drug Czar; enhanced law enforcement; and centralized programs for drug abuse education, treatment, rehabilitation, research, and training. A panel of officials from that era, including John Coleman, a 33-year career officer with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics; Jeffrey Donfeld, Assistant Director, Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (1972–73), and Dr. Robert DuPont, Founding Administrator, Narcotics Treatment Administration (1970–73), will discuss the shifts in focus that produced dramatic results, but no final victories. Presented in partnership with the Richard Nixon Foundation.

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