Hans-Olaf Henkel ─ Does Europe Still Need (or Want) a United States of Europe?

submitted by Marvin's Underground Evening Lectures on 10/10/18 1

Ever since the original treaty of Rome, the EU has been enlarged and deepened step-by step. While the Common Market has contributed significantly to the prosperity of the E.U.; the introduction of the Euro as the common currency has derailed the EU both economically and politically. The Euro was introduced for political reasons such as maintaining peace and as a tool to get to the "United States of Europe". It results however in centralization, harmonization and the socialization of country and banking debts, hence seriously damaging the E.U.'s long term competitiveness. Instead of contributing to peace it has caused significant political friction. Hans-Olaf Henkel pleads for abandoning the policy of advancing the E.U towards a Political Union and for returning to a E.U. with a Common Market to be completed on the basis of a Europe of Sovereign Nations. Henkel describes why only such policy can keep Britain within the EU. He advocates the closing of ranks with the U.S. on the basis of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

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