Los Angeles-based artists Peter Alexander, Helen Pashgian, and De Wain Valentine discuss their pioneering experimentation with industrial processes and materials beginning in the late 1950s and early 1960s. During this period, Southern California artists began producing a unique form of sculpture using technologies specific to the region, particularly plastic and industrial coating processes. Mining the relationship between art, industry, and science, Los Angeles artists created precise and beautiful objects that explored the mechanics of human perception and the purity of form. Alexander, Pashgian, and Valentine share their experiences from this fascinating period and examine the continuing legacy of the technical innovations they helped spearhead. This conversation was moderated by Rani Singh, senior research associate, Department of Architecture and Contemporary Art, the Getty Research Institute. Learn more about this event at the Getty Research Institute's website. www.getty.edu/research/exhibitions_events/events/industrialized_gesture/index.html