Date recorded: 20/01/2011 Debate: This House Believes the BBC is Failing the Country PROPOSITION: ROGER ALTON - Roger Alton is the former editor of The Independent and is currently the executive editor of The Times. Formerly the editor of The Observer, Alton oversaw the introduction of the award-winning Sports, Food and Music monthlies. JAMES COUNSELL - James Counsell is a third year Philosophy student from Sidney Sussex, and the outgoing president of the Cambridge Union. His greatest achievement is having grown up in Somerset without a West Country accent. TOM DAVENPORT - Tom Davenport is in his third year reading History of Art at Sidney Sussex College. Tom was chairman of The Wilberforce Society in 2009/10 and has previously worked on a US presidential campaign and for a US senator. OPPOSITION: PETER BAZALGETTE - Peter Bazalgette was the chairman of Endemol UK, and the leading creative figure in the global TV company responsible for hit shows such as 'Big Brother' and 'Deal or No Deal'. He was the president of the Cambridge Union in Michaelmas 1975. JON SOPEL - Jon Sopel is a BBC news presenter and correspondent. He was named Political Journalist of the Year in 2007. He is the regular anchor for the 'Politics Show' and has presented 'Newsnight' and the 'News at Ten'. SOPHIE LLOYD - Sophie Lloyd is a third year Theologian at Murray Edwards College. She had a placement at the BBC this summer. She also spends a lot of time in bed watching iPlayer on a Thursday morning. Results: Ayes 21 Noes 306 Abstentions 37