Date recorded: 03/02/2011 Debate: This House Has No Confidence in Her Majesty's Government PROPOSITION: RT HON DAVID BLUNKETT MP has served as an MP for Sheffield since 1987. After Labour's 1997 election victory he became Education Secretary and was promoted to Home Secretary in 2001. Forced to resign that position in 2004, he later returned as Minister for Work and Pensions. NIGEL FARAGE MEP is the leader of the UK Independence Party and an MEP for South East England. He is co-chair of the Eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Democracy group in Brussels and led UKIP to second place in the 2009 European elections. RT HON DAVID LAMMY MP has been the Labour MP for Tottenham since 2000. He has been Minister for Culture and under Gordon Brown served as Minister for Universities, Innovation and Skills. OPPOSITION: RT HON ANDREW MITCHELL MP is a cabinet minister and Secretary of State for International Development. He is MP for Sutton Coldfield and a former vice-chairman of the Conservative Party. He was the president of the Cambridge Union in Lent 1978. DON FOSTER MP was elected the Liberal Democrat MP for Bath in 1992, a position he has held since. He was the party's education spokesman under Paddy Ashdown and recently voted in favour of a rise in tuition fees. RUPERT MYERS is a top London barrister and Guardian columnist. Ayes: 275 Noes: 164 Abstentions: 112