Date recorded: 26/04/2012 Debate: This House Would Decriminalise Prostitution PROPOSITION: Catherine Stephens Following a number of jobs in the voluntary sector, Catherine Stephens has worked in the sex industry for the past eleven years; independently, in brothels and through escort agencies. She is an activist with the International Union of Sex Workers and she loves her job. Dr Belinda Brooks-Gordon Dr Brooks-Gordon is a lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London in psychology and social policy. She also sits s a Liberal Democrat Councillor in Cambridge, and is on the national Liberal Democrat working party for policy on women. Her book, "The Price of Sex", is critically acclaimed. Sarah Walker Spokesperson for the English Collective of Prostitutes and a frequent commentator in the media on issues related to sex. OPPOSITION: Julie Bindel Jilie Bindel is a writer, feminist campaigner and co-founder of the group 'Justice for Women', an organization which opposes violence against women. Bindel has extensively researched and written on prostitution and co-authored a report commissioned by the POPPY project on British brothels. Lisa Reynolds Lisa Reynolds works for Eaves, a charity that provides housing and support to vulnerable women whilst carrying out research, advocacy and campaigning to prevent violence against women. She has just completed a large project involving interviews with approximately 200 people involved in prostitution. Professor Jo Phoenix Director of the Center for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice at Durham University, and Director of the Center for Sex, Gender and Sexuality. Ayes: 118 Noes: 78 Abstentions: 67