Date recorded: 18/10/2012 Debate: This House Has No Confidence in Her Majesty's Government PROPOSITION: EMMA REYNOLDS MP: Emma Reynolds is the Labour MP for Wolverhampton North East and Shadow Minister for Europe. Prior to entering parliament, she worked for the Party of European Socialist and as a special adviser to Geoff Hoon. YASMIN QURESHI MP: Yasmin Qureshi has been the Labour MP for Bolton South East since 2010. She previously chaired the Human Rights and Civil Liberties Working Group of the Association of Muslim Lawyers and was President of the Pakistan Club (UK). She is one of the first female Muslim MPs. OPPOSITION: LEMBIT OPIK: Lembit Opik is a former Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats and was MP for Montgomeryshire from 1997 until 2010. He recently co-authored a book called "The Alternative View" discussing the future of the Liberal Democrats. JACOB REES-MOGG MP Jacob Rees-Mogg is the Conservative MP for Somerset North East, the notorious Tory backbencher. Rees-Mogg has warned in the past that the Coalition government will not be able to deliver. JENNY WILLOTT MP: Jenny Willott is the Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central and is an assistant government whip. She has previously worked for several charities including Banardo's and Unicef UK. Ayes: Noes: Abstentions: