Date recorded: 01/11/2012 Debate: This House Would Re-elect Obama PROPOSITION: DR JEFFREY MILEY Thomas Jeffrey Miley is Lecturer of Political Sociology in the Department of Sociology at Cambridge. His research interests include nationalism, language politics, identity politics, immigration, religion and politics, regime types, and democratic theory. HADLEY FREEMAN Hadley Freeman is an American journalist based in London. She is a columnist for The Guardian and is especially critical of the Republican Party, noting recently that it was 'hell-bent on self-destruction.' PROFESSOR ANTHONY BADGER Prof. Anthony Badger is the Master of Clare College and the Paul Mellon Professor of American History. His work focuses on the New Deal and President Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression. OPPOSITION: RYAN BOURNE Ryan Bourne is the Head of Economic Research at the Centre of Policy Studies, a think tank which promotes limiting the role of the state. He read Economics at Cambridge, achieving a double first. ALEX SINGLETON Alex Singleton is the Managing Director of the Singleton Group, a London-based public affairs agency. He was a Daily Telegraph journalist, Research Director of the Adam Smith Institute and President of the Globalisation Institute. ROBERT WORKS Robert Works is an M.Phil in Latin American Studies at St John's College. Ayes: Noes: Abstentions: