Date recorded: 09/02/11 Debate: This House Believes that the Arab Spring is a Threat to Global Security PROPOSITION: Martin Chulov Martin Chulov is The Guardian's Middle East Correspondent, and has reported from the area since 2005, and has been covering the Arab Spring since it began this time last year. His coverage of the situation spills onto his Twitter page, which has become a conversation about the situation. Barak M. Seener Barak M. Seener is the Greater Middle East Section Director of the Henry Jackson Society and a researcher at the Institute for Counter Terrorism. He is also is a former researcher for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and is a contributor to the Jeruslam Centre for Public Affairs. Faisal Abbas Faisal Abbas is a blogger who writes for the Huffington Post on Arab/International relations and specializes in media, culture, marketing and socio-economic issues. He has previously worked for the leading pan-Arab daily Asharq Al Awsat, Al Hayat Newspaper in Saudi Arabia and Future Television in Lebanon. In May 2009, he became the first Saudi to win a 'Cutting Edge Award' at the Annual Media Awards. OPPOSITION: Noman Benotman Noman Benotman was the head of the Libyan militant organization known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, but left after the September 11th attacks. He has since been active in reforming his former terrorist comrades in prison, attempting to persuade them to renounce violence. In 2010, he wrote an open letter to Osama bin Laden rejecting al-Qaeda's use of violence, and calling on bin Laden to end all attacks. He is also a Senior Analyst (Strategic Communications) at Quilliam, a British-government-funded Middle East focused think tank. Jeremy Corbyn MP Jeremy Corbyn has been the Labour MP for Islington North since 1983. He is one of the three Vice-Chairs of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and a fierce opponent of the Iraq war as well as a prominent member of Amnesty International. He has also campaigned against the Gaza-Israel conflict and supports the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Michael Peel Michael Peel has been a correspondent for the Financial Times since 1996, and was made its Middle East Correspondent in January of 2011, just before the Arab Spring began. His first book, A Swamp Full of Dollars (2009), which is about Nigerian oil, was shortlisted for the Guardian First Book Award 2009. Ayes: 36 Noes: 291 Abstentions: 98