This House Believes Too Much Trust Is Placed In Science | The Cambridge Union

submitted by Marvin's Underground Evening Lectures on 10/07/18 1

Follow the Cambridge Union Society on twitter: PROPOSITION: 01:36 Prof. Alister McGrath - Professor McGrath lectures Theology at KCL and has written several notable works on religion and science, including The Twilight of Atheism and The Dawkins Delusion. 26:22 Julian Huppert - Julian Huppert is the Liberal Democrat MP for Cambridge, a fellow of Clare College and a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. 1:07:20 Seb Faulk - Seb Faulk is a Graduate Researcher in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science OPPOSITION: 13:30 Tim Lewens - Tim Lewens is a reader in History and Philosophy of Biology, Medicine and Bioethics at Cambridge, and has written and lectured extensively on evolution. 37:15 Jeremy Webb - Jeremy Webb is Editor-in-Chief of New Scientist, which reports, explores and interprets the results of human endeavour set in the context of society and culture. 1:18:30 Stathis Psillos - Stathis Psillos is a Professor of the Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics at the University of Athens. He is also a founding member of the European Philosophy of Science Association Results: Ayes: 87 Noes: 136 The Motion Failed to Pass

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