In the Chair: Imogen Schon, President (Lent 2014) The Leveson Inquiry and the Daily Mail's comments about Ralph Miliband are the latest in a long series of controversies revolving around the tabloid press. Tonight we ask if tabloid journalism is simply harmless fun or if it has come to represent everything that is wrong with Britain. PROPOSITION: CHRIS BRYANT As Shadow Immigration Minister, Chris began the 2010 phone hacking debate having being hounded by tabloid media since 2003. He is now Shadow Minister for Welfare Reform. MARINA PEPPER Marina Pepper was a Liberal Democrat politician, children's book author, actress, journalist, and former Page 3 and Playboy Girl. She now self-identifies with the political party, Class War. ALICE UDEILE SMITH Alice is a 4th year History and Philosophy of Science student at Robinson College, and is a former editor of the student magazine, Varsity. ---- OPPOSITION: JACK RIVLIN Jack Rivlin is the creator and owner of The Tab, a national franchise of online and print student tabloid newspapers. SUSIE BONIFACE Under the pseudonym Fleet Street Fox, Susie Boniface is a columnist and blogger for The Mirror and various other tabloid and broadsheet publications. GEORGE JONES An assessor for the Leveson Inquiry, George Jones is a former political editor of the Daily Telegraph who has criticised Miliband for attacking freedom of speech." The House Divided: Ayes: 108 Noes: 39 Abstentions: 36