With riots on the streets on London, the bribing of officers by the media, the erosion of civil liberties, and the shooting of unarmed black teenagers - the Union questions its confidence in Her Majesty's Police Force, asking whether they still live up to their mantra of 'Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity.' Emergency Debate: This House Would Rather be at Oxford = ft. the President-Elect of the Oxford Union and some of Cambridge's finest comedy talent ****************** PROPOSITION ****************** Baroness Doreen Lawrence lost her son Stephen in 1993 in a racially motivated attack that was mishandled by an “institutionally racist” police force. She has since campaigned tirelessly for police reform. Franstine Jones is the first woman president of the National Black Police Association who has campaigned for more BME representation in the police force. Adam Simmonds is the first Police and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire, representing the Conservative party in the 2012 election. ****************** OPPOSITION ****************** Stephen Parkinson is a former Special Advisor to the current Home Secretary and a former media advisor to the Prime Minister. It has just been announced that he has taken on a senior role in the Vote Leave campaign team for the EU Referendum. David Michael is a former Detective Inspector with 30 years of experience in the Police. He is an Ethnic Minority Officer on the Labour Party Executive Committee and Branch Chair. Katy Bourne is the Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex, and a former District Councillor. She is also Director to the Board of the College of Policing.