Mapping the Infrared Sky with WISE | The von Kármán Lecture Series: 2010

submitted by Marvin's Underground Evening Lectures on 10/06/18 1

The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) launched December 14, 2009, and a month later began surveying the sky in four infrared wavelengths, ranging from four to 30 times redder than our eyes can see. WISE continues the JPL/Caltech tradition of mapping the infrared sky. Its megapixel infrared detector arrays make the WISE survey hundreds to hundreds of thousands of times more sensitive than previous all-sky surveys using only dozens of pixels. The satellite is observing everything in the Universe from near-Earth asteroids to dusty, cataclysmically forming galaxies over 10 billion light years away, and is expected to discover hundreds, to perhaps thousands, of new objects. Speaker: Dr. Peter Eisenhardt Project Scientist, Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, JPL Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech Source: The von Kármán Lecture Series General Information The Theodore von Kármán Lecture Series, named after JPL's founder, and presented by JPL's Office of Communication and Education, brings the excitement of the space program's missions, instruments and other technologies to both JPL employees and the local community. Lectures take place twice per month, on consecutive Thursdays and Fridays. The Thursday lectures take place in JPL's Theodore von Kármán Auditorium and are streamed live via Ustream, and Friday lectures take place at Pasadena City College's Vosloh Forum. Both start at 7:00 PM. Admission and parking are free for all lectures, no reservations are required, and seating is limited. Support the Channel vie BOOK DEPOSITARY Shopping Book Depository: Millions of books with free delivery worldwide FOLLOW THE CHANNEL ON TWITTER Enjoy, Share, Like and Subscribe:)

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