Donna Durand, Executive Director, of Alberta Council on Aging addresses the crowd at the Alberta Legislature on September 29, 2017. Today, we come together to recognize and celebrate older persons, here and world wide, for their roles and contributions- past, present and future. The council believes to create age friendly environments and communities is to promote healthy aging. We look at the various domains, and principles that affect all of humanity. We must have government policy and grassroots strategies that interlock to support the fundamentals to well being and longevity: clean air, water and food, access to comprehensive health care including rehabilitation and medications, housing, transportation, social programs and income source. Collectively we acknowledge many barriers, once removed, immediately enhance inclusiveness and quality of life for older persons. We must commit to examining the inequities that are so harmful to older persons. We must approach elder abuse head on by combating existing ageisms and myths about older persons. Above all else, we stay the course in promoting and demonstrating the value, dignity and worth of older persons. In so doing, we deepen our commitment to the social contract where no one is forgotten and purposeful living throughout the entire life cycle is realized. Ron Rose Acting president, Alberta Council on Aging