Why Does Putting a Finger Under Your Nose Stop a Sneeze?

submitted by Huzzaz on 09/26/18 1

Sometimes sneezing can be really inconvenient, but why does a technique made popular by cartoon shows seem to be effective at stopping them? Hosted by: Hank Green Head to scishowfinds.com/ for hand selected artifacts of the universe! ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: www.patreon.com/scishow ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters: Lazarus G, Sam Lutfi, D.A. Noe, سلطان الخليفي, Piya Shedden, KatieMarie Magnone, Scott Satovsky Jr, Charles Southerland, Patrick D. Ashmore, Tim Curwick, charles george, Kevin Bealer, Chris Peters ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? Facebook: www.facebook.com/scishow Twitter: www.twitter.com/scishow Tumblr: scishow.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/thescishow ---------- Sources: Dr. Melissa Pynonnen, Michigan Medicine casereports.bmj.com/content/2018/bcr-2016-218906 www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/dont-hold-it-halted-sneeze-rips-hole-mans-throat-180967847/ emedicine.medscape.com/article/1873373-overview www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-we-sneeze/

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