What's up guys, back with Episode 329 of our Fortnite Fails & Funny Moments! In todays we have put together some of the funniest Fortnite moments including wtf moments to funny fails! Can we smash 40,000 likes for Episode 330 Tomorrow!? Subscribe & join the road to 8Mil subs - goo.gl/9g7jnm Send your Fortnite clips to - SubmitToBCC@gmail.com - Here's Episode 328 of Fortnite Funny Fails, WTF Moments & Epic Kills if you haven't seen it! www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3QViQY-XaI - Thanks to everyone who was a part of todays video. You can find these awesome people below for more amazing Fortnite content: Ninja - www.twitch.tv/ninja itsgringo - www.twitch.tv/itsgringo Shobek_ - www.twitch.tv/shobek_ Larringi - www.twitch.tv/larringi JoshTV - www.twitch.tv/joshtv SugarUnicorns - www.reddit.com/user/SugarUnicorns CHARLIEON - www.youtube.com/channel/UCzYDlBjKbkQBQXSAEXpFnlg Lighted v Ariel Benito DAAN - www.youtube.com/channel/UC1IsuogS3XGQmcF-Wip7RVw FearLessPanda - www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJFlb5RkHUyCvV5r1cpfOA JustUs Gamers - www.youtube.com/channel/UCvKqYPQKBURV9ATWHvyjt8g Cleronn - www.youtube.com/channel/UCOAmVUja4IB70fooQQ0qN-w Riley Espersen - www.youtube.com/channel/UC_-5SVhu1m8CzmjMMxx_pyA Laithify - www.youtube.com/channel/UCLTmR5Rh3C0UhT24Mojn3Uw Bruno Weinheimer - www.youtube.com/channel/UCsnlwXngngi-DNdHtXpROuQ Clutch Gaming2 - www.youtube.com/channel/UCTNUSQstwYM-hflzUfcpDJQ merek456 FORTNITE - www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5GM8njC1pKP3jYWi-MZdg Christopher200XX - www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ZRfmSfonslkvPoSb2ujcw Rando - www.youtube.com/channel/UCDC0x5msdH7sBfaqYrND5tQ Muccane 100 - www.youtube.com/channel/UCc4GpHrxNy5KyaXS-w7_fVA Roy Wouters - www.youtube.com/channel/UCAExXUER8NTsvh1x9psCARQ GT- Riky - www.youtube.com/channel/UCEkmGhawcjVTmwqJV5D2rbA Spicy Meatball - www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6kWxyPSzlIEUJ-X3E88oA FullThrottle17 TTV - www.youtube.com/channel/UCez6RNRkCjs4ndVmd-_CCyQ Koray Ozdemir - www.youtube.com/channel/UCEpEBI0nsOr2oAU8RrGRRtQ Mallory Hernandez - www.youtube.com/channel/UCsIUN9vVk-rC2MxH9y42nKg (First Song) Ikson - Paradise (Second Song) Ikson - Last Summer soundcloud.com/ikson www.instagram.com/iksonofficial ------------------------------ How to submit your videos & Fortnite clips to BCC: 1) Upload your video to Youtube or Twitch 2) Send the link of your clip to this email: ( SubmitToBCC@gmail.com ) We will then watch the clip you've sent us and if we like it, we will feature it in a future BCC Trolling video! 3) A submission/Fortnite clip should be at least 10 seconds long. We will NOT accept any submissions below 10 seconds. 4) That's it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't forget to follow us on twitter :) www.twitter.com/BCCgaming If you havn't subscribed already, remember to subscribe for the best gaming content :)