For more of Branden Blinn's short films go to or Carlos Salas and Nick Soper star in this short film about two guys who act on the fact that they are incredibly attracted to one another. In the aftermath, one of them seems to have second thoughts. We appreciate all your comments...for those of you who have asked the AWARDS we won are: Best Short FIlm, Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival; Best Alternative Short, New York International Independent Film and Video Festival; Best Men's Short, Pittsburgh LGBT film festival. Both Nick Soper and Carlos Salas were nominated for best actor awards at Method Fest...neither of them won but out of 60 possible, two of the six nominated were these two talented actors and we're very proud of them both. And...again...the song at the end is Nicola Quilters SLEEP, DREAM, WAKE As far as our sexuality and our sexual identity...we like to say...on the Kinsey scale of 0-6 10% are gay, 10% are considered str8 and a whopping 80% were said to be somewhere in between. Those that have worked on and continue to work on our projects fit this demographic precisely. Thanks again! TBBMG