Resonance Academy Delegate Gathering - 1st Annual - Egypt 2017

submitted by resonance on 07/25/18 1

The Resonance Science Foundation's online learning community in the Resonance Academy meets once a year at ancient sacred sites around the world for an in-person learning adventure. The 1st Annual Resonance Academy Delegate Gathering took place in Egypt in October of 2017! This year, in November of 2018, we will be visiting the amazing sites of Peru & Bolivia! : Discover the mysteries of Ancient Egypt with Nassim Haramein, the Resonance Academy faculty, special guests and like-minds from all over the world at the Resonance Academy Delegate Gatherings. Explore evidence of lost ancient technologies on a journey to sacred sites, visiting ancient megalithic structures, temples, and ancient ruins. Enjoy breathtaking hikes, spectacular sunrises & sunsets, beautiful ceremonies and a full moon ARKĀ® crystal meditation at Machu Picchu. Be immersed in the Incan culture as we connect with local villages, children, crafts, music, delicious food, historical traditions & amazing archaeological discoveries. Here are some of the places we will visit and experiences we will have on this epic adventure in Peru & Bolivia this November: 1. Walking tour in Cusco 2. INKA Museum 3. Moray Archaeological Site 4. Maras Salt Pools 5. Saqsayhuaman 6. Rodadero 7. Kenqo 8. Lanla Kuyog Fertility Temple 9. Qoa Temple 10. Tambo Machay 11. Tipon Ancient Site 12. Andahyalillas Chapel 13. Huaro Museum 14. Pisaq Ruins 15. Hurco Ceremonial Site 16. Ollantaytambo Ruins 17. Machu Picchu Full Moon Ceremony 18. Machu Picchu + Mountain or Huayna Picchu Hike 19. Sun Temple Qorikancha 20. Raqchi Wiracocha Temple 21. La Raya 22. Pucara Museum 23. Hot Springs 24. Inka Uyo Fertitlity Temple 25. Portal of Aramu Moro 26. Tiwanaku 27. Puma Punko 28. Chincheros Village 29. Seminario Ceramic Arts 30. Sun Temple ISLA DEL SOL 31. Lake Titicaca sunset boat trip 32. Visiting Islands UROS floating Islands 33. Moon Temple * Bolivia

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