• Get my Rings/Bodyweight Training Routine: antranik.org/get-rings-routine/ This video was created in jest. You could barely see my shoulders making the changes I mention, but I thought the footage was funny enough to do something with it. While the "instructions" are not incorrect, it would've been impossible for me to do that without the water. The "serious" info for those that really want to do a "Front Pull": Pulling up to Front Lever from Dead Hang is known as a "Front Pull." It requires an advanced level of strength. The FL on its own is quite challenging, but a front pull is the hardest way of getting into the FL. Here are the full instructions on how to execute it: 1. Start in a dead hang. 2. Depress the shoulders and shoulder blades. (Down, away from the ears.) 3. Retract the shoulder blades. (Pinch them together.) 4. Pull your hands DOWN to bring your body UP. (This will engage the lats.) 5. Bring your head back to neutral. 6. Enjoy your front lever. Follow me: • Facebook: facebook.com/antranik.org • Instagram: instagram.com/antranikdotorg • Mailing List: eepurl.com/ug8Sn