• Get my Rings/Bodyweight Training Routine: antranik.org/get-rings-routine/ • Learn more: antranik.org/register/get-rings-routine/ 1. Turn the palms out so the thumbs face forward, this will help your elbows go BACK and not flare out to the side. 2. Elbows go back (not out to the sides). 3. Bring your hands closer to the wall than you think is necessary to make the L-shape, because when you lower down, your head has to come ahead of your hands, making your body go further away from the wall. 4. Bring your head ahead of the hands so your hands and head make a triangle. 5. FULL RANGE: For each rep, make your forehead touch the ground. If you cannot go down that low, then go back one progression to the regular L-HSPU with both feet on a box/platform. If you can find a way to elevate your hands to make your head go deeper, DO IT. (e.g., Use parallettes or wooden blocks/books under hands.) Follow me: • Facebook: facebook.com/antranik.org • Instagram: instagram.com/antranikdotorg • Mailing List: eepurl.com/ug8Sn