Lactose intolerance is a common complaint after sleeve gastrectomy. Sadly, there isn’t much data on how common it really is, it is reported regularly by patients of mine and something I thought I should address as there are ways to get around it (even if you love dairy!) Lactose is the sugar found naturally in milk and is usually broken down by the enzyme lactase in the gut. Due to the changes in the levels of enzymes and stomach acid, as well as the increased speed of food through the stomach into the small intestine lactose intolerance is a common complaint after sleeve gastrectomy. The most common symptoms of lactose intolerance are cramps, bloating, diarrhoea, nausea or gas. These symptoms usually appear about 30 minutes to two hours after your meal. In this FB Live video I discuss: - why you get lactose intolerance - what foods exacerbate symptoms - what you can do to ease/avoid symptoms If you're interested to read more, see this blog post: And for more information on calcium supplements see this post: