Himno Istmeño (in English: Hymn of the Isthmus) is the national anthem of Panama (Spanish: Himno Nacional de Panama). The music was written by Santos Jorge, and the lyrics by Dr. Jeronimo de la Ossa. The song is directed to the average, working-class Panamanian with such lyrics as "Ahead the shovel and pick; At work without any more dilation". Lyrics & English Translation: Lyrics CHORUS Alcanzamos por fin la victoria En el campo feliz de la unión; Con ardientes fulgores de gloria Se ilumina la nueva nación At last we reached victory In the joyous field of the union; With ardent fires of glory A new nation is alight. Es preciso cubrir con un velo Del pasado el calvario y la cruz; Y que adorne el azul de tu cielo De concordia la espléndida luz. It is necessary to cover with a veil The past times of Calvary and cross; Let now the blue skies be adorned with The splendid light of the concord. El progreso acaricia tus lares. Al compás de sublime canción, Ves rugir a tus pies ambos mares Que dan rumbo a tu noble misión. Progress caresses your path. To the rhythm of a sublime song, You see both your seas roar at your feet Giving you a path to your noble mission. (Chorus) En tu suelo cubierto de flores A los besos del tibio terral, Terminaron guerreros fragores; Sólo reina el amor fraternal. In your soil covered with flowers To the kisses of the warm clouds of dust, Warrior roars have ceased; Only fraternal love reigns. Adelante la pica y la pala, Al trabajo sin más dilación, Y seremos así prez y gala De este mundo feraz de Colón. Ahead the shovel and pick, At work without any more dilation, and we will be as such at work and gala of this fruitful world of Columbus. (Chorus)