MelquisedecLisbet: Walking on the Waters with Christ (Feast, Sunday 03/18/18) Welcome to King of Salem, the Government of the Living God MelquisedecLisbet. Where the mysteries that have remained hidden for ages are revealed by Christ Lisbet, the high priest forever according to the order of Melquisedec. Today, the kingdom of heaven has come near because Christ Lisbet is the heaven from where the ineffable words of God come from. The Father has sat her down at his right hand and today she has come in glory with her holy angels. With her word of life she has conquered death in herself, and all who are cleansed, sanctified and purified by it, receive immortality. Inhabitants of heaven and earth and under the earth, sit at the table that God MelquisedecLisbet have prepared for all who thirst and hunger for justice. Do not harden your hearts when hearing the voice of she who shook heaven and earth, with her words of eternal life. Come confidently to the Throne of Grace with reverent fear to find help in the time of need. For MelquisedecLisbet! For MelquisedecChristLisbet! For our Father and for our Mother! Amen, Hallelujah!