A series of videos from Sean Hross out of Switzerland are being mirrored to our YouTube channel as the Swiss government is censoring and/or deleting his videos. Sean's channel is giureh at www.youtube.com/user/giureh These videos are thought provoking and require a deep understanding of history. AD's views may vary however a great deal of the content is imperative in understanding today's world. Comments are welcome although senseless posts without any form of contribution to the discussion will be blocked and deleted. Recommended: Santos Bonacci - The Pharaoh Lineage "The Priest of Amon Ra and the connection to Switzerland www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz1kGVfWDlc THE SWISS FINANCED HITLER, AND HITLER OBEYED THEIR ORDERS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WAR; this is why he didn`t attack the "feeding hand".