Switzerland Templars Nazi Mafia, why Nazis came from South Germany

submitted by maxplayer on 03/22/14 1

A series of videos from Sean Hross out of Switzerland are being mirrored to our YouTube channel as the Swiss government is censoring and/or deleting his videos. Sean's channel is giureh at www.youtube.com/user/giureh These videos are thought provoking and require a deep understanding of history. AD's views may vary however a great deal of the content is imperative in understanding today's world. Comments are welcome although senseless posts without any form of contribution to the discussion will be blocked and deleted. Recommended: Santos Bonacci - The Pharaoh Lineage "The Priest of Amon Ra and the connection to Switzerland www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz1kGVfWDlc (Neo-) Nazis pretend to be the defenders of a white Aryan Europe, but they are definitely on the contrary not. The Nazis are the ones who destroyed Europe through endless wars, terror, mass executions, concentration camps and bombs on white Europeans and their children`s bedrooms. And they blessed and weakened her so badly, that in 1945 she couldn`t defend herself anymore against massive immigrations from abroad. What did innocent, peaceful and neutral countries as Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Poland or the Bask countries do in order to deserve this? Nothing at all. These countries didn`t even utter a bad word against Germany or Switzerland, and certainly never acted against the Nazi countries. So why do you Nazis hate the white aryan Europe that much, that you had to drop bombs on defenseless civilians and murdering their white aryan children in Coventry, Guernica, Warschau, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ouradour sur Glane, Lidice and Lezaky? Oh no, you are not the defenders of a white Europe, you murdered her; and there were no negroes nor muslims on whom you can blame it this time, because there weren`t any then. So SVP Nazis from Switzerland, stop twisting history and the truth, cause you are responsible for the massive immigration (Masseneinwanderung) yourselves; you prolonged WW2 with at least 2 years with your banks and your Bührle-Oerlikon armements deliveries every single day to Germany, with which millions of white aryan Europeans and their children were slaughtered, butchered and mutilated. You did it. It`s about time we stop these swiss criminals for their crimes and their constant lies; these people are far from being innocent, I mean just look at history. The Nazis and these Swiss just excelled in butchering defenseless civilians and their innocent children. So please Mr. Obama, send in the marines and get your tax money back, and that of Ghadafi, Mubarak`s, Sadam`s, Adolf`s and all the other dictators, who were not possible in the first place without the criminal state of Switzerland and their nazi inhabitants. Read this carefully: the Nazis came from the south of Germany, from Nürnberg and München. Why? During the 30-year war (1618-1648) whole towns disappeared from the face of the earth, their inhabitants raped, pillaged and butchered by the swiss mercenaries. Then the Swiss re-inhabited the south of Germany and Alsace in France, thus infiltrating Germany with the Templar`s dominance, a deadly poison slowly taking over Germany towards the north. This is the reason, that the Nazis came from the south of Germany; the reason is called Switzerland (Templars).

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