6-15-2013 #1569 Marine Links Jolie Inglis Gorelick pedo-fem Hacker to Gareth Williams MisPRISM of Death Plum City -- (Abel Danger)-- June 15, 2013. United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a global IMDb pedo-fem hacker community, allegedly set up by Angelina Jolie, John C. Inglis and Jamie Gorelick, to the apparent use of PRISM metadata to manipulate crime scene investigations into the August 2010 torture killing of Gareth Williams and the misprision of treason in which the spy's murder was treated as a case of wrongful death. presidentialfield.com/6-15-2013-1569-marine-links-jolie-inglis-gorelick-pedo-fem-hacker-gareth-williams-misprism-death