Clinton Leaves Obama holding Benghazi Douche Bag Janet Napolitano's cowardly exit was triggered by a simple GOOGLEBAIT: [ dhs + dmort V + hseep + crisis actors + vision box ] This google pairing exposed to the world the DHS-Obama-Clinton plan to cancel the second amendment in favor of the 4th Reich. Then along came Abel Danger and told the Crown Agents, the Queen and her pussies to take a flying fuck. Panetta bailed, Hillary bailed, Napolitano bailed and Eric Holder is expected to be 4th in a goup of 8 to abandon the CHOOM GANG IMPOSTER. On another front, July 14, 2013. United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the New York's Salomon Building (WTC 7) Puppet Masters for an Alternate Reality Game launched at the Pickton Family pig farm in B.C. in 1996, to his sister Kristine "Con Air" Marcy's apparent use of the Serco cesium clock timing signals to disrupt blue-team communications on 9/11 and allow her red team -- [ Abel Danger supplied the offensive pilot names Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk and Bang Ding Ow to KTVU..