How is it possible that the ancient Egyptians cut stone blocks with such precision that even the most advanced saws that we have today would not be able to match the accuracy of Great Pyramid. It has been demonstrated by researchers that the pyramid builders used an advanced ancient technology, 50 times stronger than diamond to cut and shape the giant stone monuments and sarcophagi seen across Egypt, but what kind of material is 50 times stronger than diamond? Once we learn the facts about the Great Pyramid, we find it impossible to accept the intimidating claims that a civilization – one step removed from the Stone Age – built this magnificent edifice. Let’s scratch the surface of its amazing features for those who aren’t privy to its wonders. Curiously, these findings have been around for well over a century, and although more recent discoveries are just as magnificent, the messages are the same as today: there is no way that the Great Pyramid was built by anyone 4500 years ago.