Pension Fund Spread Betting For False Flags

submitted by maxplayer on 03/22/14 1

#1592: Marine Links Clinton-Gore Carbon Caps, CAI Spot-Fixed Pensions to FDNY Body Count 343 Plum City -- ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedHillary Clinton and Al Gore's apparent use of the CAI Private Equity Group as pension-fund bookie for spot-fixed betting on carbon-capped mass-casualty exercises, to the murders of 343 FDNY firefighters on 9/11. McConnell claims former Junior Senator from New York, Hillary Clinton, conspired with the CAI carbon-cap bookie to position certain New York State/City pension funds to share in a $430 million payout -- being $10 million for each of the 43 firefighters who died in excess of the 300 spot -- after Twin Towers' ambushes were allegedly set on 9/11 by FDNY officer-members of the NYC Variable Supplements Fund. McConnell points out that Clinton and Gore could have positioned CAI spot-fixed pension-fund bettors in the Carbon Disclosure Project so that funds shared in payouts according to the number of survivors below the spot e.g. CAI could have then distributed $430 million (= 43 x $10 million) to the New York City Fire Department Pension Fund if FDPF members had kept the 9/11 casualties at 257 (= 300 - 43). The FDPF's principal problem on 9/11 was that it was not a signatory investor in CAI's Carbon Disclosure Project and so its members were apparently targeted with Clinton-Alinsky Rule #5 in Rules for Radicals -- "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" where climbing into Senator Clinton's Twin Towers' ambush with a MitM attack on the FDNY radio system was really ridiculous.

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