Citizens United Against British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCIMC) #1676: Marine Links Pearce's GMAC Twin Towers MindBox Rules to MI-3 Force-Placed Insurance Escrow Fraud Plum City -- ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked CEO Doug Pearce's development of a phony MindBox rule set for bcIMC investments in the GMAC mortgage on the WTC Twin Towers, to the MI-3 agents who allegedly triggered a force-placed insurance escrow fraud with 'double-occurrence' demolitions during the 9/11 Global Guardian war game on 9/11. McConnell claims MI-3 agents defrauded Lloyd's of London Names in the Twin Towers attack with the same M.O. as used in the Pearl Harbor attack 60 years earlier; they tricked borrowers and lenders into agreeing on the MindBox mortgage debt-recovery rules and forced the escrow service provider (KPMG) to change the rule set during the game and share in the proceeds of a bogus double-occurrence claim. Disambiguation: MI-3 = Patent-pool protection racket which controls the City Livery Companies global supply chains Marcy (Crown Agents' bona vacantia -- Prisoner Medical Services -- JABS -- DOJ Asset Forfeiture Funds) + Inkster (RCMP Wandering Persons Registry -- KPMG Consulting Mortgage Escrow for bcIMC et al.) + Interpol (Berlin 1942-1945 -- Operation Paperclip -- Foreign Fugitive File -- William Higgitt - Entrust) + Intrepid (William Stephenson -- GAPAN patent pool -- Pearl Harbor attack -- Kanada Kommando) MI-3 = Marine Insertion Intelligence and Investigation unit set up in 1987 to destroy above McConnell notes that in Book 12, published at, agents deployed by the Marine Insertion, Intelligence and Investigations (MI-3) group are mingling in various OODA modes with agents of the Marcy Inkster Interpol Intrepid (MI-3) protection racket based at Skinners' Hall.