#1694: Marine links Obama's Overseer to MI-3 Innholders mall-in-the-middle attack, Canadian contract hit (Note: minor issues with microphone volume during show) presidentialfield.com/9-23-2013-1694-marine-links-obamas-overseer-mi-3-innholders-mall-middle-attack-canadian-contract-hit Plum City -- (AbelDanger.net) -- September 23, 2013 United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Canadian Governor General and Obama's former Harvard University Overseer David Johnston, to an apparent MI-3 man-in-the-middle attack on the security systems of the Westgate mall in Nairobi by The Innholders' Livery Company and the alleged contract killing of Canadian Border Services Agency liaison officer, Annemarie Desloges. McConnell alleges that MI-3 agents embedded in the global retail landlord Westfield -- a de facto Innholder with hotels in or adjacent to Westfield's 119 malls targeted for these kind of MitM attacks -- paid the former assistant commissioner of London's Metropolitan police John "Hacker" Yates, to develop the al-Shabab false-flag story and thereby camouflage Johnston's alleged deployment of Canadians and Americans to kill Desloges.